Successful tenders for event security concepts: A best practice guide for event organizers & authorities

By wdo, 15 December, 2023

A real passion for some, pure horror for others. But well thought-out tenders are a critical success factor - in terms of: Costs and benefits; success and failure; certainty and uncertainty. Discover the core components of effective tendering.

The creation of security concepts for events is complex and requires clear definitions of requirements and qualifications. There is often a lack of standardized specifications and an understanding of necessary process steps such as briefings, approval management and documentation.

In this presentation, we present best-practice examples of well thought-out, specification-compliant tenders. We will highlight key components and processes necessary for effective tendering, discuss ways to minimize risk and how to ensure that your security concept meets the project requirements.

Sven Hansen (master craftsman for event technology, specialist for event safety) is Managing Director of Event Safety Consult (ESC) and First Deputy Chairman of the German Federal Association for Event Safety (bvvs).


Sven Hansen

By wdo, 15 December, 2023
Sven Hansen
Event Safety Consult GmbH & Co. KG