The Forum Veranstaltungswirtschaft industry dialogue: The future is good for everyone

By wdo, 15 December, 2023

Speakers: Representatives of the associations of the Event Industry Forum

Moderation: Stephan Benn 

  • Isdv: Mathilda Kruschel 
  • VDVO: Björn Sänger
  • EVVC: Ilona Jarabek
  • BDKV: Johannes Everke
  • VPLT: Helge Leinemann
  • LiveKomm : Christian Ordon
  • FAMA: Robert Ninnemann 

In the industry dialogue, representatives of the Event Industry Forum will inform and discuss selected current topics from the industry live at BOE 2024. In addition to the panel discussion, the plenary session is again invited to bring practical examples from everyday work as well as concrete wishes, suggestions and ideas into the debate.
