‘HR & Salary Study’ by fwd: - What's new in 2025 on the way to becoming the event industry's standard report on work and salary?

By wdo, 6 January, 2025

Speaker: Dr Cornelia Zanger 

Professor Emeritus of Marketing and Head of Event Research (TU Chemnitz) and co-founder and deputy chairwoman of the Research Institute for Exhibition and Live Communication (R.I.F.E.L. e. V) in Berlin.

After presenting the results of the Personnel & Salary Study 2024, she will explain how this report by the fwd: Bundesvereinigung Veranstaltungswirtschaft is to be developed into an instrument that will provide an up-to-date overview of salary levels in all areas of the event industry, important fringe benefits for employees, working time models and career opportunities every two years. How the study will be further developed in 2025 and which new topics will be included will be presented in the lecture.

About the person: 

Prof. Zanger studied industrial engineering at the TU Dresden. After holding professorships at the University of Kiel and the RWTH Aachen, she taught marketing at the Chemnitz University of Technology for over 25 years and researched the impact of events and live communication. She has published books, consulted companies and conducted market studies.

The R.I.F.E.L. studies 'Event Map of Germany' and 'Future of Live Communication' were produced under her direction. In 2008 she initiated the 'Scientific Conference on Event Research'. For 21 years she has been running the MBA 'Live Communication' at the Chemnitz University of Technology.
