The EU Green Deal - an opportunity or a burden for the event industry? In this interview, Marko Roscher, Sustainability Officer at fwd: Bundesvereinigung Veranstaltungswirtschaft and Robert Trebus, Director Global Sustainability at d&b solutions GmbH & Co. KG, discuss how the vision of the Green Deal can be used as a roadmap for a sustainable future for the event industry. They will shed light on the biggest challenges to implementation, possible strategic approaches and the crucial role of technological innovations. A look at the necessary political support and the importance of cooperation rounds off the discussion - with exciting assessments of the event industry of the future.
Speaker 1:
Robert Trebus
Director Global Sustainability
d&b solutions GmbH & Co. KG
With his diverse expertise, Robert Trebus is regarded as a sustainability leader in the event industry - he works full-time at d&b solutions GmbH & Co. KG as Director Global Sustainability. He is an Industry Standard Advocate thanks to his wide-ranging voluntary work and has received a number of awards. Robert Trebus is committed to transforming the live event industry through sustainability, innovation and the circular economy.
His expertise includes the areas of: ESG - CSRD - EU Taxonomy - Circular Economy - ISO 20121:2024
Robert Trebus is, among other things, Chairman of KlimaUnion e.V. Brandenburg, involved in the Circular Economy Alliance (CEA), Paris, the European Remanufacturing Council, Brussels or active as Chairman of Sustainability Standards Event Industry for DIN - to name but a few.
His most recent appointment is that of the European Commission as Climate Pact Ambassador.
Speaker 2:
Marko Roscher
Sustainability Manager
fwd: Bundesvereinigung Veranstaltungswirtschaft e.V.
Marko Roscher, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH) and M.A. Strategic Sustainability Management, has been closely associated with the event industry for over 15 years. Through various positions in Germany and abroad, such as project manager at the EVVC, team leader for medical training at an international group or his position as service manager for catering and sustainability manager at C3 Veranstaltungszentren GmbH, he has insights and expertise in various trades in the industry. His passion for sustainability and the well-being of the planet has been with him since he began his studies in 2004 and has led him to his current position as Sustainability Officer at fwd:.