Global Trends in Tobacco Farmers Productivity

Von wdo, 31. Juli 2024

What is the one common thing that unites most of participants in the Intertabac/ Intersupply fair?

It is the tobacco leaf which stands at the base of the entire sector. Nevertheless, dynamics in this foundational part of the supply chain do not frequently appear in the spotlight.

This is why the International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) will shed light on the latest developments in the farming community. We currently find ourselves in a protracted situation of short leaf supply. In addition, growers have been facing with very strong cost of production pressures, while tobacco prices have only recently started to show meaningful increases.

Farming productivity is a key element in tobacco market dynamics. ITGA has recently completed an in-depth analysis of tobacco yields around the world that have largely stagnated, in contrast to many other crops. Some of the factors impacting this phenomenon include common issues like climate change, but regional specific challenges are shaping the realities for small scale and commercial growers.

This hour-long panel, featuring growers’ representatives from the Americas (USA, Colombia, the Dominican Republic), Africa (Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe) and the European Union will discuss the key challenges faced by growers and how we can work together toward a future that keeps rural communities prosperous, while the sector moves forward in a sustainable way.

about the persons: 

Mercedes Vazquez: ITGA, Chief Executive Officer

Since joining the International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) in 2010, Spanish-born Mercedes Vázquez, accumulated a prominent profile in the tobacco sector as a result of her frequent visits to all corners of the world, closely liaising with local growers and their institutions. This has made it possible for her to get close to the specific concerns and challenges growers are facing, as well as the common ones. In this process, Mercedes has accumulated a vast understanding of the sector as she has been a fundamental part of the different activities developed by the global association.

Before joining ITGA, Mercedes was a teacher and also worked in the leisure and tourism business. She is graduated in translation and interpretation, but her focus in the last decade has been in the area of communication.

Ivan Genov: ITGA, Manager Tobacco Industry Analysis

Ivan Genov is experienced in producing in-depth briefings and analysis on the global tobacco industry. He is in charge of content creation at ITGA. Ivan is also a contributor to the business and mainstream media on tobacco-related topics. He has worked within the EU institutions in Brussels and as a senior tobacco analyst at Euromonitor International in London. He holds a BSc in International Business and Management from Aston University in the UK and a MSc in Strategic Management from Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands.



Mercedes Vazquez

Von wdo, 30. Juli 2024
Mercedes Vazquez
Chief Executive Officer ITGA (International Tobacco Growers' Association)

Ivan Genov

Von wdo, 30. Juli 2024
Ivan Genov
Manager Tobacco Industry Analysis ITGA

Daniel Green

Von wdo, 30. Juli 2024
Daniel Green
Burley Stabilization Corporation