Safety guidelines for event managers: SIKO, SiGePlan, SiGeKo and VfV at a glance

By wdo, 15 December, 2023

Who doesn't know the legendary MFG song by the Fanta Four? There are just as many abbreviations in the field of event security. Immerse yourself in our world and let us clear the jungle of abbreviations and paragraphs and discover the interfaces and connections.

Event security is a multifaceted field with a multitude of roles and responsibilities. In this presentation, we will clarify the differences and functions of key roles.

We will discuss the core aspects of visitor and occupational safety and identify the "must-have" and "nice-to-have" elements. We will also examine the financial implications of your decisions. Practical examples will give you an insight into the challenges and best practices of safety planning.

Sven Hansen (master craftsman for event technology, specialist for event safety) is Managing Director of Event Safety Consult (ESC) and First Deputy Chairman of the German Federal Association for Event Safety (bvvs).


Sven Hansen

By wdo, 15 December, 2023
Sven Hansen
Event Safety Consult GmbH & Co. KG