Generative AI and marketing the latest trends and tools that you can use right away!

By wdo, 12 December, 2023

Jens Polomski has been an expert in online marketing and MarTech since 2009. He supports projects in overcoming challenges in digital marketing and the variety of tools. Since 2019, Jens has regularly shared tips on tools in his blog and is a guest on various podcasts and talks where he talks about tools and MarTech. In June 2023, he was recognized as a Top Voice for Artificial Intelligence due to his network of over 20,000 contacts on LinkedIn. In addition to his online marketing tasks, Jens is increasingly involved in advising companies in the field of artificial intelligence and has already reached over 10,000 readers with his AI newsletter.


Thomas Szabo

By wdo, 20 October, 2023
Thomas Szabo
CEO, act&react I digital excellence

Jens Polomski

By wdo, 18 December, 2023
Jens Polomski
Experte im Online-Marketing und MarTech