Transformation dramaturgy and VR - or how can I use innovative storytelling

By wdo, 15 December, 2023

Petra Lammers is a transformation dramaturge, communications consultant and storyteller. Together with Norwin Kandera, she founded onliveline, the office for transformation & storytelling, in 2010. Lammers strengthens companies in their strategic transformation.

Petra Lammers was previously Creative Director and Concept Designer at Panroyal and was responsible for artistic productions with complex technologies for comprehensive communication strategies.

As a freelance theater director, she combined the art of storytelling and dramaturgy for over 12 years at various locations, such as Container City Jeruville, Volksbühne Berlin, Hungary, Switzerland, Vienna, New York or Puerto Rico, where she transformed walk-in spaces into unique stage worlds.

Petra Lammers, MBA from Murray State University and MFA in Dramaturgy & Directing from the State University of New York, innovatively implements strategic transformations through storytelling for business, industry, research, SMEs or pharma. Lammers is CEO, speaker and author and has received numerous awards with onliveline, such as the ADC*Europe Gold, ADC Silver in Storytelling, BEAworld, BrandEX, PR Award, German Design Award Gold, or Austrian Event Award.


Petra Lammers

By wdo, 20 October, 2023
Petra Lammers
CEO OnlineLive GmbH – Büro für Transformation & Storytelling