What is real, what is AI? And how do we notice the (AI-small) difference

By wdo, 15 December, 2023

Are AI avatars actually fake or just the next wave in AI-driven storytelling and experiential marketing

In the era of deep fakes and AI avatars, the question of authenticity is being raised anew. What is real, what is simulated and how can we tell the difference? This talk takes us into the exciting world of artificially generated realities and asks whether AI avatars should be considered "fake" or a revolutionary tool in experiential marketing. From the ethics of using deep fakes in brand communication to the creation of AI avatars that enable lifelike customer interactions, the talk will focus on the ethical and practical implications of these disruptive technologies.

Participants will be both informed and inspired. A mix of case studies and real-world examples will be used to demonstrate how deep fakes and AI avatars can take engagement with customers to a new, more emotional level. It will discuss how the algorithms behind these technologies can not only analyze human behavior patterns, but also simulate emotions and reactions.

The talk encourages the audience to push the boundaries of what was previously imaginable and to critically reflect on the role of AI in the definition of 'authenticity'. The vision is clear: to pave the way for responsible and innovative experiential marketing of the future through a better understanding of these technologies.

Roger Basler de Roca, author and entrepreneur by passion, describes himself as a digital native with a penchant for digitalization and algorithms. His expertise includes the development of digital business models and growth models thanks to artificial intelligence. He supports small and medium-sized companies as well as international corporations across all industries to make their employees fit for the future with the right digital systems, to better understand the mechanisms of today and tomorrow and to use them optimally for their business success. A high level of digital expertise, quick networked thinking and optimal transfer into practice perfectly describe his workshops, consultations and lectures.
