Talk - dealing with highly polarizing and extreme event content

By wdo, 19 December, 2023

Legal dilemma or actually quite clear?!

Controversial events with highly polarizing or (politically and ideologically) extreme content not only occupy the industry, but also repeatedly bring venues and host venues into the public eye. But what limits are imposed on operators by law and case law when it comes to rejecting events and what options do operating companies have to react? Stephan Lemke, Managing Director of Stadthalle Braunschweig Betriebsgesellschaft mbH and EVVC CFO, gives an insight behind the scenes of such a process. Together with lawyer Thomas Rüsche from the EVVC cooperation law firm Loehr, we will provide a legal perspective on this topic and will be available to answer questions.

Thomas Rüsche is a lawyer and partner at the EVVC cooperation law firm "KanzleiLoehr" in Bonn and specializes in venue and event law. He also deals with event-specific questions of media and IT law. After studying law at the Universities of Giessen and Bonn, he obtained a postgraduate Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Media Law & Media Business from the Cologne Research Center for Media Law. Building on this, he was successfully appointed as a specialist lawyer for information technology law by the Cologne Bar Association in 2023. In particular, current industry topics in event-specific IT and data protection law provided sufficient reason for this in-depth specialization.

Stephan Lemke (53), Managing Director of Stadthalle Braunschweig Betriebs GmbH with the Stadthalle Braunschweig, Volkswagen Halle Braunschweig and Eintracht-Stadion venues. 
Over 30 years in the event business, including almost 25 years in the location business, Managing Director for over 14 years. As the market leader in the region between Harz and Heide, the operating company offers all event formats from small conferences/seminars to open-air concerts in front of 30,000 visitors, whether league sports, symphony concerts or large congresses, all formats are welcome here.
In addition to his main job, Stephan Lemke is a member of the EVVC executive committee and deputy chairman of the Association of German Stadium Operators (VdS), where he is committed to the national interests of the industry.


Stephan Lemke

By wdo, 20 October, 2023
Stephan Lemke
EVVC-Präsidiumsmitglied; Geschäftsführer Stadthalle Braunschweig Betriebsgesellschaft mbH