Smart content creation for events

By wdo, 19 December, 2023

Events used to be fleeting occurrences. Today, they are media content hubs. But many agencies and event organisers fail to exploit the potential of gaining unique visibility on social media and other channels.

Why is that?

The objection is usually: "We don't have the time or budget for content creation" - a classic killer phrase.

Let me show you: it can be done. It can be done smartly and, above all, efficiently.

We'll look at practical examples and I'll share clever approaches and innovative tools with you to ensure that your event generates sustainable added value through smart content creation.

Would you like to turn your events into content magnets? Then let's take a look together at how smart content creation works.

Melanie Piorek is a freelance creative director at BOOMMM.

She often breaks new and unconventional ground. Some of her technology-driven projects are considered pioneering work and have been honoured with awards including the Red Dot Award and Golden Award of Montreux, such as the first on-demand press conference with mixed reality for a car manufacturer or the conception and implementation of the digital experience hub for a leading sanitary ware manufacturer.Melanie Piorek has worked for brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Lexus and Lamborghini, as well as Grohe, Coca-Cola and L'Oréal.

The production expert has an exceptionally rigorous education for creative professionals, first as a media designer for digital and print media, then completing a Bachelor of Multimedia Production (FH), followed by a Master of Science in Multimedia Management (Uni). Melanie Piorek has been a lecturer at the renowned University of Europe of Applied Sciences in Berlin for many years.
