TikTok's marketing whirlwind: How brands like Duolingo and Telekom Electronic Beats became social media icons

By wdo, 12 December, 2023

You walk through the entrance to your own business, almost all the tables are full, the atmosphere is cheerful and exuberant, guests greet you and thank you for letting them be here. Your employees are happy to see you and ask if they can make you a coffee. After a few hours of hosting, you go home satisfied and with your pockets full of money...

It's undeniable: social media has taken the media world by storm and it's not just Generation Z that is under its spell. This digital stage trumps television, dominates as the leading search engine and has become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. It combines entertainment, news, culture, education, sport and shopping under one roof and spices up our everyday lives with a pinch of wonderfully bizarre memes.

TikTok has taken over and radically transformed our social media landscape. Instagram and YouTube, the giants of the industry, have followed suit and now also rely on the "content graph", an algorithm that emphasizes content discovery instead of the classic social network approach.

In this new era of social media, no distinction is made between media, friends or brands. The only currencies are content, interactions and dwell time. For brands, this means competing with close friends, trusted influencers and media giants. Now is the time to rethink your marketing strategy and position yourself as a brand that creates content. No matter what your target audience or product is - if the content is right, the algorithm is sure to find your brand fans right away.

Viktoria Renner, co-founder of OZMOZE, is a pioneer in developing TikTok-first campaigns and building creator brands. Her success was reflected in her role as a judge at this year's TikTok Ad Awards. OZMOZE, which focused on TikTok early on and was one of the first agencies in the DACH region to utilize its potential for marketing strategies, is about more than traditional advertising. As a content production studio and new media talent network, OZMOZE is focused on making your stories stand out visually in the world of TikTok. Viktoria's approach is direct and effective: positioning brands in the digital world with impactful, TikTok-centric narratives and authentic content.


Viktoria Renner

By wdo, 12 December, 2023
Viktoria Renner
Co-Founder, OZMOZE - Agentur für Popkultur