Without diversity? Without me! How business and society benefit from diversity Tijen Onaran on visibility, diversity and networking

By wdo, 12 December, 2023

Tijen Onaran on visibility, diversity and networking

Tijen Onaran is the founder and CEO of Global Digital Women, a leading international diversity consultancy. In 2017, the entrepreneur began bringing together women from the digital sector to form the largest women's network in the field of digitalisation. Tijen Onaran studied political science and history and is the author of several books. She is also successfully active in various social networks. Tijen Onaran is one of the 100 most influential women in German business and supports female founders as an investor. Tijen Onaran has been part of the team of investors on the VOX show "Die Höhle der Löwen" since 2023.

In her current book "Be Your Own F*cking Hero: Trau dich - weil du es kannst", Onaran tells how she found the courage to go her own way despite or precisely because of her social background.

After the keynote, Anastasia Barner, one of the youngest female founders in Germany, will briefly interview Tijen Onaran and ask her a few questions.

Be curious.

Anastasia Barner is one of the youngest founders in Germany.At the age of 20, she founded the first reverse mentoring platform "FeMentor" by women for women. As part of Generation Z, Anastasia stands for generational exchange and contributes her expertise in advising companies.
In 2020, Anastasia was the international TikTok face of Deutsche Welle.
In 2020 Anastasia received the FemTec Award 2020 in the category Leadership, in 2022 she was nominated as TOP 10 Social Entrepreneur.
In 2023, she published her first book "(Ge)Gründet!: Start-up-Szene uncovered".


Tijen Onaran

By wdo, 18 December, 2023
Tijen Onaran_© Daniel Sommer
Gründerin und CEO von Global Digital Women