Green Claims Directive - Can I still use the term "climate neutrality" at my event?

By wdo, 19 December, 2023

We cordially invite you to the exciting impulse and talk "Green Claims Directive - Can I still use the term "climate neutrality" at my event?".

With the Corporate Social Responsibility Directive and the Green Claims Directive, we are facing comprehensive requirements for the reporting and communication of environmental claims, which also affect the event industry on a large scale. So how can event organizers achieve a reliable and resilient event carbon footprint for event formats of all kinds under these conditions?

In this panel discussion, we will look at this from different perspectives - association, certification, event and consulting. Together, we will discuss what I can say, how, when and why and, above all, what I can do and prove.


Florian Himmelstein

By wdo, 18 December, 2023
Florian Himmelstein
Stellv. Fachleiter Carbon Footprint/Klimaneutralität GUTcert GmbH

Kathrin Horn

By wdo, 4 January, 2024
Kathrin Horn
People Lead Marketing und Teamlead Corporate Events Telekom MMS